Monday, October 3

Mõnel ikka veab

No korras. Aga siiski ei tohi unustada et polnud kerge. Lootusetu isegi vahepeal. Oli varjante igasuguseid, sobivamaid ja vähem sobivam. Tegelikult ma ei tahtnud eriti otsida sest varuvariandiks oli kesklinn ja kuus prantslannat. Aga siis tuli ära:

Hi Meelis,
your program sounds really cool. I think you should come here very early in the morning on Oct 11. I will give you directions. What bus station are you coming in to?
Here´s some info about who you´ll be living with! I´m Larissa, and from the States. I live here with my boyfriend, Pablo, who´s from Chile. Another flatmate of your´s will be my friend Zach, also from the States, who will arrive a couple of days before you.
Your other two flatmates will be Claudia, who´s from Chile as well, and Andrew, another guy from the States.
We´re all really laid back and have a lot of interests. Andrew plays the acoustic guitar and hangs out with his girlfriend, he´s also a waiter. Zach and Pablo like photography. I like making art, taking pictures, reading, dancing....right now I have a funny internet job and I´m studying to go back to school for Physio Therapy. Claudia is a pedalogist and works with disabled women.
Your "dogmate" I guess is Gohan.....he´s really nice. He´ll probably bark like a maniac when you first get here, but once he sniffs you and checks you out he´ll settle down. He´s really too lazy to do anything but bark.
Although there will be 5 people living here, there´s plenty of space and we´re all great ; D. So, look foward to seeing you on Tuesday. You said something about not coming until you had received some money. If you prefer to come earlier, that´s no problem. We can work out the money stuff later.
See you later, Larissa

Oooojaaa, suur õnn ole tänatud

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