Wednesday, October 26

*** Channel created on Wed Oct 26 17:31:26 2005

Uuuuuuh, rokkisime j2lle t2ie hooga, 15. inimese ts2tt v6tab ikka p2ris hea hoo sisse, lugema ja m6tlema peab jube kiiresti, ja kursis olema, ma eriti teiste synopsiseid ei lugenud, seega polnud ka liiga kursis. Pressisin rohkem sellist general teemat (n2iteks; gender reshearch on ikka rohkem naiste poolt l2bi viidud ja seega eelarvamuslik), et saaks ikka jutust osa ja "n2o n2idatud". Kuradi informeeritud ja m6tlevad inimesed on sellel kursusel, hirm tuleb peale. Ja ylesanne kaks kuulutati v2lja.

Task 2 idea:

In our field of environmental management there is a lot of international organisations with vast internet sites. These sites all include gender aspects, in very different ways. So exploring and analysing this would add valuable information to our course as well as to your competence.

teeme 2ra

ja t2nane stiilin2ide:::

>Real> @chaminade: yes it is interesting! everything now seems to focus only on femininity...
>SL> @all: one question of gender & forestry is, why forestry is male dominated
>Seedre> @REal: that so true
>SL> @all: and one reason for male domination may be understanding of masculinity
>Chaminade> @real: exactly, and it is curious to see how men in sweden´s 19th century put their "gender" energies in showing off to other men more than to women
>Seedre> @SL: gess its the history, hard fysical labor and everithing connected to that
>Kessy> In some places gender sounds as talking about women rights only
>Giri> @all: its also attitude
>Seedre> @Kessy: thats a problem

Suundun fondyyle, et oleks rohkem r66mus siis mainin et suundun tees2rgi ja muheleva naeratusega.

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