Thursday, November 17

your writing examples?

Ma kirjutasin just Dr. Chen'nile kirja, kuna ta tahtis mu teaduslikke kirjatöid n2ha, l6ppu lisasin ka v2heke taustainfot, et uurin taustainfot.

I'm currently looking into background information about Lakehead, Thunder Bay and Canada in general. Before applying formally I would like to be more informed. I have to be convinced myself, that I'm able and willing to take the position if provided the possibility. Therefore, I would like to know if there is a specific research topic or it will be worked out later with the student given the position.

Ja no eiteagi, Kanadasse v6iks minna kyll, v6ibolla on äikselaht v2gagi eeskujulik koht aga rohkem tahaks Montreal'i, suurlinna tuled t6mbavad. Neid agasid on veel ja Kanada on kaugel. P6nevust siiski, kyllaga.

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