Friday, October 26


t2na terve p2eva nikerdasin
ja hoppa

World’s soils contain ca. 2500 gigatons (Gt) of carbon, including ca. 1550 Gt of soil organic carbon (SOC) and 950 Mg of soil inorganic carbon (SIOC) (Lal 2004). Although a large carbon pool and potential source of CO2 emissions, SIOC is often not considered in detail in carbon studies (Adams & Post 1999; Lettens et al. 2004). SIOC (pedogenic carbonate) often occurs in layers or nodules (calcrete- made up mostly of CaCO3) in petrocalcic and calcic soil horizons, which develop extensively in arid and semi-arid ecosystems (Kern & Schlesinger 1992; Adams & Post 1999). Deeper soil horizons often contain more SIOC than horizons closer to surface (Lettens et al. 2004), which is related to pedogenetic migration process of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and might be influenced by soil management or acidification caused by increased nitrogen and sulphur inputs (Batjes & Sombroek 1997). Kern and Schlesinger (1992) suggest that since last ice age the SIOC and SOC pools have moved in opposite direction, resulting offset of global C storage. But as uptake of CO2 takes place (at least temporarily) during loss of soil carbonates as CO2 is needed to dissolve carbonate into bicarbonate, the SIC carbon pool shrinking due to weathering may have acted as complementary CO2 sink to organic carbon pool increase (Adams 1993).

oh p6nevust

a vaadake aga pilte kuidas me k2isime rekreatsiooni (no ei ole paremat s6na vist veel leiutatud eesti keeles) magistrijunsukestega j2rve 22res

ja juhei

noored riitusel, kummardamas ja austamas suurt giganti, vilja ja lumeõnne


Anonymous said...

rekreatsioon-taasloomine.Tegelen sellega iga p�ev .V�tan t�ki leiba,s�n �ra,situn v�lja-sitt p�llule ja hops m�ne aja p�rast on taas leib laual.

Mella said...

vaijah, taasluumine, tuu v6i olla kyll. a no kas tan keski arvo saas, ole noh.

Mart Reimann p22linna ylikoolist k6neles: Rekreatsioon tähendab just nimelt töövõime taastootmist aktiivse tegevuse kaudu.

vat sis