Monday, September 10

Do you mind if I submit your photo?

On 10 Sep 07, 4.53AM CEST roblaidlaw said:

I was looking through flickr and noticed some of your photos of the Haliburton Wolf Center. I have a children's book coming out very soon about wildlife in captivity and I'm looking for a decent photo of the wolf centre for a profile I've included. I wouldn't mind submitting your photo entitled The Haliburton Forest Wolf Centre uploaded November 8, 2006 (wolf and cub in grass) to my editor for consideration. Do you mind if I submit your photo?

Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you.

Rob Laidlaw

no see on nii enamv2hem pilt
lastel ikka hea vahtida


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kae kos siis.
ma ei oskagi midagi mõistlikku öelda, peaks ka vist mökitama.