Wednesday, March 21

Teaching assistants plan to strike

ilma naljata
ma kuulun ka ridadesse (automaatselt)

pole mulle veel v6imalust streikida antud

oh p6nevust

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Teaching assistants plan to strike
TB News Source
Web Posted: 3/16/2007 7:53:36 PM
Click Camera To Watch This Newscast Teaching assistants plan to strike

Teaching and graduate assistants at Lakehead University say they will be going on strike starting next Friday.

Union spokesman Mike Walters says they've worked as hard as possible to reach a settlement, but the university has refused to work with them. Walters says tuition and workloads for teaching assistants and graduate assistants have spiked, but Lakehead has put the lowest wage increase in the province on the table. Along with a wage increase, the union is seeking improved job security and health benefits.

eks paistab

hetkel l2bir22givad


Anonymous said...

Ega suured ideed ei tunne siis riigipiire

no ja meie ka kohe hakkamas ülikooli omadega!

Mella said...

meil on esmasp2eval viimane koosolek, kus otsustada saame, kas meeldib ylikooli pakkumine v6i streikima
