nagu ütles üks väga tark inimene- joomahullus kaunistab inimese hinge
Heiligabend umgeben von hummern, gutem käse und inmitten von liebsten menschen die mein erstes weihnachtsfest ohne meine familie zum freudenfest und kulinarischer herausforderung aufleben lassen aben....denn...ja ich habe wurm in brotmantel als vorspeise gegessen und gesagt es schmecke nach pilz obwohl ich das gar nicht fand. ...
ega tali taeva jää
Personal Safety AlertSexual Predator Passing as Employee RecruiterToronto Police Services, Sex Crimes Unit, has alerted colleges and universities of an alleged sexual predator who is a Toronto area recruiter. The name of the accused is Joseph Joseph. He owns a recruiting company called J Squared Staffing Solutions Inc., 19 Highbourne St. Toronto, phone 416- 459-3578. Web address http://www.j2staff.com/Although this person is active in the Toronto area, there is a possibility he may recruit through means that would attract applicants from other universities.
The accused is described a s a male, 35 years old, East Indian, 5'10", and very clean cut in a suit. He is a very smooth talker and often passes himself off as a CEO or other executive type looking to give someone a very attractive career opportunity. It is also alleged that he is known to pursue college students.
Please take extra precautions to ensure your personal safety while attending interviews.